TRIZ, inventions are categorized into five
Level 1 - Routine design problems
solved by methods well known within the specialty.
Level 2 - Minor improvements to an
existing system using methods known within
the industry.
Level 3 - Fundamental improvement
to an existing system using methods known
outside the industry.
Level 4 - A new generation of a system
that entails a new principle for performing
the system's primary functions.
• Level 5 - A rare
scientific discovery or pioneering invention
of an essentially a new system.
A heavy machine vibrates excessively, creating
problems in adjoining systems. A level 1 solution
can be offered: placing a rubber pad under
the machine to absorb the vibration. If this
is not adequate, we can try to compensate
for the vibration using anti-vibration, a
level 3 solution. If this doesn't work we
might try an air or magnetic "pillow,"
a level 4 solution, and so on. The table below
explains why inventive problems are especially
difficult to solve.